Look at this guy. No seriously, look at him. This guy right here, he gives no fucks. This is him, the entire game long, minus changes in color. He’s not tense, not sad, not angry. He just doesn’t give a damn. Mega Man gives no fucks whatsoever.
Wily took over 8 killer robots. He's planning to take over the world. Not only does Mega Man have to battle against those 8 robots, he also has to go through their stages which are specifically designed to give them the strategic advantage. Think that’s enough? Fuck no, Wily’s got a fucking castle with even more killer robots inside there. And if that's not enough, after that Mega Man has to fight all 8 robots again, before he can finally fight against the mad scientist himself.
And Mega Man gives zero fucks about any of this. It’s cool. This has happened before. It’ll happen again. Instant death spikes? Gigantic robots? Pits of death? Disappearing blocks? He doesn't give a shit.
Wily took over 8 killer robots. He's planning to take over the world. Not only does Mega Man have to battle against those 8 robots, he also has to go through their stages which are specifically designed to give them the strategic advantage. Think that’s enough? Fuck no, Wily’s got a fucking castle with even more killer robots inside there. And if that's not enough, after that Mega Man has to fight all 8 robots again, before he can finally fight against the mad scientist himself.
And Mega Man gives zero fucks about any of this. It’s cool. This has happened before. It’ll happen again. Instant death spikes? Gigantic robots? Pits of death? Disappearing blocks? He doesn't give a shit.
Giving fucks hadn’t been invented yet, X was the first robot designed to do that. Mega Man plays it cool.