Sunday, April 8, 2012

Fuck Bitches, Get Loot, Spelunker Don't Care

It's time to hide your gold, and hide your damsels, because we've got god damned Spelunker running around in here.

You know how heroes run around trying to save some bitch, or to stop some evil villain? Fuck all of that, the Spelunker only cares for one thing, and that's loot. Loot and bitches. And even then, he'd throw a bitch if it'd give him more loot. He's facing all sorts of dangers down there in those caves, and does he give a fuck? Fuck no.

Spiders? Traps? Snakes? If he doesn't have shit to lunge at them, he'll toss a damned damsel at them. Giant Spiders? Fuck those things, he'll make a damned sticky bomb out of their dead body.

Heck, people have set up shop down there to help him in his explorations, and how does he pay them back? He kills them and steals their shotgun if the time is right.

If you get in between the Spelunker and his prize, your shit is about to get fucked up.

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